GROUP Z, Belgium consists of 10 members. Before they actually made art together they worked individually. Every member has her/his own 'speciality'. You can click on the icons on the left to see/download a typical work.

André Courtier Anecdotical Constructivism chess & vichy patterns
Dirk Desmet The Power of the Object ordinary things
Eric Steyns Linguistic Issues words & signs
Isabelle Z The female Body, the male Mind and the Eye glamour & pornography
Lies Vermeulen Fun Things to do with Hands how we fill our clothes
Lodewijk Johannes The Sanctity of Evil Mittelpunkte & Sammlungen
Michaël Samyn There's no Place like Art selfportraits & hommages
Michel Dewulf It's ALIVE! moving pictures
Paul O'Paradis Shopping makes the World go round things to buy
Vergote & Vanmaele The inexplicable Beauty of the Number 2 symmetries & duplicates

Now GROUP Z, Belgium have decided to work together. The first project they actually did as a group was "HOUSE". The second is a series of WWW pages which can be seen here: "HOME"!
And now there's a third: "VIRGIN/SUCKER".

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